So, Rhys (designer) and I have been meeting and talking about the design for Mission To Mars and this week Rhys has sent through pictures of his first concepts for the set. I’m MASSIVELY excited – hopefully you’ll understand why from the pictures below.
Rhys has made a scale model of Polka Theatre and below are photos of that model with some Photoshopped stuff on top. Neat, huh?
Obviously there’s still masses of work to be done not least on the practicalities of what we build it from, budget wranglings between Rhys, Mic (sound and video), Ben (lighting) as well as exactly how we fly the actors beautifully and safely.
So yes, these are just early drafts and we’re hoping it’ll be interesting for you to see how it develops throughout the design and build process.
The aerial sequences perhaps happen in one specific cross section of staging, in this image the farthest downstage space RHYS
We see the space walk through the window (on/through the back projection screen) again utilising the sections, this time we focus perhaps on the back cross section RHYS

Wow – awesome photos! The set looks amazing!
Very impressive! It looks great.