
Over 27 years of making and telling inspirational stories, Unlimited’s artists, producers and managers created and developed an infrastructure that allowed us to operate for nearly 3 decades – and do it well.

We’ve always tried to find ways to share what we have and save emerging artists and companies from feeling like they have to reinvent the wheel. We also don’t like anything going to waste. So in 2023 as we wind up our producing activity and focus on unAwards, we’ve pulled together a collection of resources. Templates, sample documents, toolkits and advice. Resources we created and those that helped us, which will now hopefully help you too.

Our documents are not ‘one size fits all’. Much of the below is unique to Unlimited (as a charitable limited company), what we did and how we chose to do it. Starting from scratch is hard though, so we invite you to use the below as a starting point. Adapt, develop and use them to suit your own practice and needs. We learnt along the way and you will too.

You’ll see ITC Arts mentioned a good deal below. We were members for years, calling on their their resources, training and advice. We spoke with the good humans at ITC Arts and bagged you 20% off their membership packages for the first year. Use code ‘unlimited20‘ at the checkout – offer ends 31 December 2023.


Annual Budget with Project Breakdown Template [download]
projected income and expenditure across a year

Balance Sheet Template [download]
summary of a company’s financial position at a given point in time

Cash Flow Forecast Template [download]
movement of cash in and out of the company across a year

Management Accounts Template [download]
periodic (normally quarterly) financial report showing progress against the annual budget

Workforce Investment Template [download]
financial report for tracking investment in the workforce against total company expenditure

Worker Expense Claim Form Template [download]
form for workers to claim reimbursement on business purchases made using personal finances

Worker Mileage Claim Form Template [download]
form for workers to claim an allowance on business miles travelled in their own vehicle

Worker Per Diem Claim Form Template [download]
form for workers to claim a meal allowance while working away from home

Worker Petty Cash Form Template [download]
form for tracking petty cash floats given out to workers for business purchases

For financial management guides and training – *ITC Arts


Induction Pack Template [download]
a structure for creating your own induction pack for new employees, freelancers and board members

Employee Record Template [download]
document to hold and update all necessary information on a company employee

For sample contracts, rates of pay, DBS services and worker safety – *ITC Arts

For employer templates and adviceACAS

For a selection recruitment guides – Creative & Cultural Skills

Social Mobility Commission’s Creative Industries Employer Toolkit


Example Board Meeting Agenda [download]
discussion structure for periodic (normally quarterly) board member meetings

Example Annual General Meeting Agenda [download]
discussion structure for the yearly general meeting between board members, directors and other relevant stakeholders

Annual Objectives Monitoring Template [download]
report structure for the board to track progress against targets set for the year

Risk Report Template [download]
report structure for the board to monitor the likelihood and severity of risks to the company

Executive Narrative Report Template [download]
report for the executive team to update the board on business activity and make requests

Board Skills Audit Template [download]
process to enable analysis of skills present and required on the board

For company registration, charitable status and legal advice – *ITC Arts

For governance guides and advice – Cultural Governance Alliance

For charity-specific governance guides – Charity Commission

Policies & Plans

(sample documents are correct at time of posting September 2023 – all Unlimited policies were also made available in Large Print)

Business Plan Headings Template [download]
defining the company’s objectives within a time period and how it will achieve them

Sample Dignity at Work Policy [download]
policy to prevent unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

Sample Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure [download]
procedure for addressing worker conduct/performance and for dealing with problems/complaints

Sample Driving for Work Policy [download]
policy for outlining the expectations of workers using vehicles for business

Sample Equality Policy & Action Plan [download]
policy outlining a company’s commitment to fair treatment and actions to support this in practice

Sample Financial Controls Policy [download]
policies and procedures on financial administration to help prevent or detect accounting errors or fraud

Sample Health & Safety Policy [download]
policy and procedures on an employer’s approach to health and safety in business operations

Sample Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy [download]
policy outlining a company’s commitment to protecting worker mental health and wellbeing

Sample Privacy Policy [download]
policy outlining how a company gathers, holds, uses and discloses the data it collects

Sample Safeguarding Policy & Procedure [download]
policy and clear guidelines for protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults

Sample Sustainability Policy & Environmental Action Plan [download]
policy outlining a company’s commitment to sustainable business practice and actions to support this

Sample Net Zero Roadmap [download] – see also for our sustainability resource list
planning document outlining a route and milestones to reducing emissions and achieving a balance between emissions put into and removed from the atmosphere. 


Risk Assessment & Method Statement (RAMS) Template [download]
planning document to assess the risks and control measures required in running an activity

For health and safety advice and templates – HSE

Anti-Racism Touring Rider

Unlock – the Inc Arts Anti-Racism Toolkit

Accessible Marketing Guide