On Friday 11 February we have a very special event to accompany the 7pm performance of Mission To Mars at the West Yorkshire Playhouse…
[vimeo 17926662]
We’ve invited some brilliant people to speak afterwards to start/provoke some conversations with our audience (you and more specifically your children) about the universe, space exploration, science and art. Confirmed so far is…
– Dr Andy Newsam (Director of the National Schools Observatory Project)
– Dr Gail Iles (Astronaut Instructor at the European Space Agency)
– Me and some awesome others to be confirmed
It’s basically an opportunity for anyone interested to come and have any questions about space and science answered by people who know the answers. When we did this in London, Jon Lloyd (artistic director at Polka Theatre) described it as “one of the best evenings I’ve had at Polka”. Questions from children on that night included “How big is the universe?”, “What is quantum physics?” and “Is there life on other planets like maybe on Gliese 581g?”. All of which got answers – and some pretty surprising ones too…
It’d be a massive pleasure if any of you and your children (if you have them) were able to join us.
Full tour and event schedule here…