First Episode of Live from the Space Shed!
Today we release the first full episode in our new podcast series Live from the Space Shed, hosted by UNSA’s Director of Human Spaceflight Jon Spooner and UNSA’s first astronaut Mini Jon.
Help us get off the launch pad and subscribefor free at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Playor wherever you get your podcasts. And if you like what you hear, please spread the word. Thanks!
Series 2 is being recorded this summer 2019 – dates here– come and join us live!
1 …with Kevin Fong
This was our first event in the Faraway Forest at Latitude Festival 2018 with medical and space doctor Kevin Fong. As well as holding a day job as a flying A&E doctor, Kevin also works regularly with NASA, makes documentaries and podcasts about space for the BBC and in 2009 nearly (actually) became an astronaut.
Kevin and UNSA’s Director of Human Spaceflight Jon Spooner talk about:
• How Kevin became a Space Doctor
• Flying in microgravity on The Vomit Comet
• How Kevin nearly (actually) became an astronaut
• How to survive if you’re thrown into cold water
• Kevin’s latest work with NASA on risk management
• That time he was working as Medical Crew on the launchpad at Cape Canaveral
and we answer questions from our Latitude audience including:
• will there be a second series of Train Like An Astronaut?
• how can we “Queer” space?
• is God an astronaut?
Full transcript here
Kevin on Twitter @Kevin_Fong
Kevin’s most recent BBC project on the Apollo Missions 13 Minutes to the Moon

Throughout the summer of 2018, we toured festivals including Latitude and Bluedot recording live interviews with some super cool space people.
Coming up are conversations with space doctor Kevin Fong, all round ‘space nerd’ Dr Jen Gupta, space engineer Abbie Hutty, particle smasher Prof John Butterworth, dark matter cosmologist Dr Alexandra Amon, quantum physicist Prof Philip Moriarty, pulsar hunter Dr Sally Cooper, exoplanet hunter Josh Hayes and dark energy investigator Dr Clare Burrage AMONG OTHERS!