This year we’re starting a new programme of work we’re calling “Dirty Pop-Up Dating”. Basically….
… we invite someone (not an ‘artist’) whose work/story we find fascinating to spend a day with us. At the end of the day we put them on stage to present the results of the day. Maybe we’d write some stuff for them. Or ask them questions to respond to creatively in that live moment with an audience. Not a lecture. More a very immediate, live response to carefully considered, friendly provocations. There’s a scientist we’re working with at the moment who trains astronauts for the European Space Agency we’d like to do this with. And a man who’s set up an organisation with the ambition of stopping genocide. Chris wants to do something with trawlermen.
In May we’ll be doing one of these at the Crucible in Sheffield as part of a new work festival there. We need an image/picture to go on websites etc and we’d love to hear any suggestions you might have.
Please post any ideas for a picture that you think would work for this below. All sincere suggestions posted before Thurs 21 January get a free ticket to a future Unlimited show of your choosing…
Look forward to (hopefully!) hearing from any of you.
Dirty pop-up dating? Cilla black emerging from the page of a pop up book…
I’d suggest in lingerie for the dirty bit, but I suspect that might get you in a lawsuit with Cilla.
How about a photo of surprised/delighted looking scientist (white coat, clipboard) or trawlerman (oilskins?!!) with red lipstick marks on their face? photo solarized or similar
“Men at Work” red warning triangle road sign, ‘female’ figure in same style breaking into the red triangle