Thinking about noise…

We’re at the beginning of the process of making a new show with our friends at Northern Stage called The Noise. It’s early days for the show so it’d be foolish to try and say we know what it is at the moment but… we’re starting with an interest in noise/sound and its impact on us – physically, emotionally, psychologically, neurologically.

<we’ve also just spent a few days together plotting what we think is a VERY exciting thriller story that will form the spine of the show but there’s still plenty of time for that to end up being thrown out the window>

In November last year we spent a week in The Leeds Library beginning to research and talk about the subject (“Sssshhhh!”) and I copied out a section from the introduction to this book:
Billy Bragg! Heh…

It’s one of my favourite and most enduringly clear descriptions of what sound is. Great metaphor too. If you’re reading this and know of any other, equally wonderful descriptions of sound, I’d love you to leave pointers to them in the comments?

<click on the small image to open a larger, more readable file>

<if you want or need to listen to the introduction, I’ve recorded me speaking the text and embedded it here>

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Sound - low res