Play Dough – one week in

We’re one week into our run of Play Dough at the Edinburgh Fringe.  So far, we’re having a great time at our home at Northern Stage at King’s Hall, and our audiences seem to be sharing the sentiment.


We’ve had loads of kids on stage blowing bubbles, bursting balloons and shoveling handfuls of pound coins into their team’s funds.  It’s great fun to watch and see audiences really get behind their team’s players. Plus it seems like the audiences are also learning loads about money and how it works too, which is exciting to hear.


“Absolutely stunning. Loved it and I now understand the going long, short and hedging, so thank you!” Ian, age 30

“I loved that it was innovative and the games throughout were amazing.  At the start, there were several questions that I didn’t know the answer to, but at the end, they were all answered. Overall, I loved it!” Matthew, age 10

“We thought this was a fantastic show.  We teach economics and found it a great way of teaching for younger people, but also a great way of getting older kids discussing ideas about money” Kati, with Dunc age 9 and Tiger Hero, 5.

“I liked the games with money and balloons” Daniel, age 8


Talking of the games, Jenna and Stu – the actors playing Queenie and Too-Much – are getting competitive and keeping a running score of which team wins each show.  Excitingly, at the end of week one, the score stands at 5-5, so it’s a dead heat.  Brilliantly, that means they’ve both had 5 custard tarts in their face, which is nice and fair.


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We’ve got a day off tomorrow (Sunday), and we’re back at it on Monday for week 2 of the festival and the next round of games and fun.  It’s also Made in Scotland showcase week, so we’ll be welcome delegates from USA, Russia and New Zealand amongst others.


If you fancy coming down to play, you can book tickets here.

Or if you want to know more, there’s a great article here.

Hopefully see some of you there!



PS – if you’re looking for other recommendations for the Fringe, then our Chris has a brilliant new show ‘Confirmation’ at the same venue (Northern Stage) at 16.35 each day.