Locks and sound…

Here follows some more science behind the story that is The Noise…

the following contains spoilers for The Noise, so if you’re planning on coming to see or read it, you might want to wait to read the following until afterwards…

In the course of writing The Noise, we needed to work out how we could use sound/noise as a key part of a locking mechanism. Since we’re working with the brilliant Gareth Fry, we passed this particular piece of research onto him. The link takes you to a slideshow that explains how sound can be used against itself to create a brilliantly secure locking mechanism. It’s actually very simple physics – elegantly simple. Enjoy…

LINK TO slideshow by Gareth on Superposition and Interference of Waveforms…

As a bonus feature (and if you don’t want to spoil the story by clicking on the above!), check out these cool videos: